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A guide to Listed Building Consent

Writer's picture: Jordan  Kirkham Jordan Kirkham

A listed building application is in short for projects looking to create alterations, extensions or demolition to a listed building e.g. Grade I or Grade II.

What is a listed building?

A listed building is a building, structure or object that has been judged to be of national importance or significance. These can be on the basis of architectural or historical interest.

Items listed can vary from country houses, to cathedrals and castles, right down to small individual items.

These items are listed on the Historic England register that is available in the public domain completely free off charge.

What part of the building is listed?

When a building or structure is listed, it is listed in its entirety, this means that both the exterior and interior are protected. This includes any object or structure fixed to the building and any object or structure within the curtilage of the building, which although is not directly fixed too it is treated as part of the listed building (Prior to the 1st July 1948).

Why are buildings listed?

Buildings are listed for multiple reasons including protecting the physical evidence of our past and a key part of our cultural heritage and creates a sense of identity.

Historic buildings also add to the quality of our lives, being an important aspect of the individual characters and appearances of our towns, villages and the wider countryside.

What is the criteria for a building to gain listed status?

The UK's Department of Culture, Media and Sport uses the following criteria to make decisions as to which buildings to protect and form a listed status. These include the following:

Architectural Interest- Buildings of importance because of their design, decoration or craftsmanship.

Historical interest- Buildings that illustrate an aspect of the nations social, economic, cultural or military history.

Historic Association: Buildings that demonstrate close historical association with nationally important people or events.

Group Value: Buildings that form part of an architectural ensemble such as squares, terraces or model villages.

So what is Listed Building Consent?

Listed building consent is a type of planning application that protects buildings of special architectural or historical interest. These enhance measurements are in addition to any standard planning application.

Listed building consent can also result in requirements for planning permission where in ordinary circumstances this wouldn't be required for example properties in areas outside of conservation areas or are not listed.

This special form of control is design to prevent the unrestricted demolition, alteration of a listed building without the express consent of the local authority. This counts for any alteration that is likely to affect the character as a building of special architectural or historical interest.

Listed buildings are protected under law and carry very strict penalties for none compliance. 'It is a criminal offence to carry out work which needs listed building consent without obtaining it beforehand.'

How can we help?

ICI Architecture Studio has experience of working with listed buildings and to help guide our clients on their project journey.

We always mention to clients that with any listed building or structure they pose their own individual challenges and will become a labor of love.

Have a listed building project you need assistance with?

In the process of purchasing a listed property and not sure how to get started?

Book a free initial consultation at or call 01260 602 005.

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